Joanna Lumley visited Battle Abbey School for Speech Day this year, and was delighted to receive a bottle of Roasted Cobnut Oil from Catherine. Joanna says that as a vegetarian, she particularly loves Kentish Cobnuts, and was keen to try both our cobnut oil and the walnut oil.
Visiting Hurstwood Farm
Visiting the Farm
Many of you have expressed an interest in visiting Hurstwood Farm. Unfortunately we do not have a farm shop, and as a working farm, we are not generally open to the public.
Hurstwood Farm
Located in the beautiful Kentish countryside, Hurstwood Farm nut orchards are an oasis of calm and quiet beauty. Perfect lines of cobnut and walnut trees stretching to the horizon – man and nature working together in peaceful harmony.
Cobnut trees were introduced to Hurstwood Farm in 1985. The cobnut is not a specific nut, but a generic term covering several different species. Mr Dain, at Hurstwood Farm, has experimented with several different varieties, in order to find the ones best suited to that specific location. He now concentrates on 'Butler', 'Gunslebert' and 'Spanish Longue'. All are cobnuts but each has individual qualities, with differing growth patterns and visual features.
Walnut trees were first planted on the farm ten years ago. The walnut plantation extends to 14 acres and contains 780 trees. Lara and Broadview are the principal varieties, and are planted in alternate rows.
Hurstwood Farm is kept as a nature reserve and the trees are given time to grow to their full maturity before the nuts are harvested. The normally quiet orchards become busy with activity as we work through those long, late days of summer, gathering in the golden harvest.
Hurstwood Farm Cobnuts, Cobnut Oil and Walnuts
Cobnuts are a valuable source of nutrients, making a healthy snack. Both cobnuts and walnuts can be sold as green (fresh) nuts, but if they are to last more than a few days they need to be dried. All of our nuts are de-husked and dried on site, then sold in-shell and enjoyed across the UK as a seasonal delight.
It requires over a kilo of nuts to produce each bottle of Hurstwood Farm Cold-pressed Virgin Kentish Cobnut Oil.
Hurstwood Farm are the first, and only, commercial producer of Cobnut Oil in the UK.
Similar to hazelnut or walnut oil, but with a more intensely delicious nutty flavour, cobnut oil gives added flavour and depth to many dishes, both hot and cold. See the 'Recipe' section for ideas on how to use this culinary product.
Kentish Cobnut Oil is a premium product, on a par with many of the finest oils available on the market today. The oil we sell is a cold-pressed virgin oil. It is a labour-intensive product, as each nut is hand checked before going through the process of drying, shelling and then pressing. It takes over a kilo of picked nuts to produce each 250ml bottle of oil.
The high standard of our product reflects the care taken at every stage: from growing, to picking, drying, shelling, pressing and bottling.
Cobnut oil can be used in the same way as olive oil: it is lighter in texture and has a delightful nutty flavour. The oil can be used in many recipes and is a cholesterol-free source of Vitamins B and E. As well as being used in salads and cooking, cobnut oil can be used as an essential oil and is known for its benefits in treating skin conditions.
Cobnut oil is wonderful accompaniment to any meal, perfectly complementing your fare whether utilised in snacks, starters, main courses or desserts.
Health Benefits
Studies have shown that frequently eating nuts is associated with improved cholesterol levels and as a result, a reduced risk of heart disease. Nuts are a good source of monounsaturates and also contain other beneficial ingredients such as soluble fibre and Vitamin E, which is considered to be essential for good health. Vitamin E can help protect against diseases, including cancer. Vitamin E also helps maintain healthy blood cells. Cobnut oil is cholesterol-free and so is an excellent alternative to regular oils for people who are concerned about reducing their cholesterol levels.
Cobnuts and cobnut oil also contain linoleic acid, vital for healthy growth and development. They are also a source of Vitamins B1, B2 and B6.
Cobnut oil is believed to be generally good for the skin and is used in massage oils, soap and skin products. It is a light oil with a fine texture, and easily absorbed. It is believed to have anti-ageing properties in addition to other benefits. Research is currently being carried out to assess the beneficial effects of nut oil on skin conditions such as psoriasis.
Hurstwood Farm Piano Studios
In addition to being a working nut farm, Hurstwood Farm is also renowned as a supplier of exclusive hand-made pianos and is at the forefront of new technology in piano design.
The Phoenix Piano System was developed at Hurstwood Farm. This system incorporates the use of an innovative bridge agraffe, which is built into the piano. Uniquely, it transfers string energy into the soundboard more efficiently than has ever previously been achieved, resulting in a greater dynamic range and a longer-sounding note. This gives a small grand piano the tone and power of a concert grand and has been awarded a prize for 'Innovation in the Arts' in Germany. The Phoenix system is now incorporated into the manufacturing process of Steingraeber & Sohne, who create craftsman-built pianos in Bayreuth.
Hurstwood Farm stock an extensive range of these exclusive instruments, as well as pianos incorporating both the Phoenix System and carbon-fibre soundboards – another first from Hurstwood Farm.
For more information, visit: www.phoenixpianos.co.uk